We would like to create an environment where children will acquire and develop the necessary knowledge and skill to become independent, confident learners – where they will develop their self-esteem to enable them to express and achieve their full potential. We will endeavour to broaden each child’s experience to help them become spiritual, well-balanced and tolerant individuals with a respect for themselves and others.
The Industrial Revolution was a period of major changes in the way products are made. It took place more than 200 years ago and greatly affected the way people lived as well as the way they worked. The students have been busy creating these fantastic projects. How inventive!
The children in Ms. Hyland’s class had their second Storybook Reading Initiative session on Tuesday. They are all enjoying reading about Max the hedgehog and whether he’ll be able to cross the busy road safely! Again, thanks to the parents who came in and listened to the boys and girls reading, we appreciate your help and support.
Please find attached the Events & Activities Brochure for February in North Clondalkin Library.
Unless ‘All welcome’ is stated, booking is essential. Online booking for events can be reached here.
All events and activities are free of charge.
Owen - HSCL
I know that it is early in the year, but there has been a lot of discussion about the move to Secondary school recently and I am aware of entrance exams coming up. The transition to Secondary school can be challenging for both parents/guardians and the children themselves, so I’ve attached a document that should be of some help.
Owen - HSCL
The children in Ms. Hyland’s class had their first Storybook Reading Initiative session today and they all really enjoyed starting their book, The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith. Many thanks to the parents who came in and listened to the boys and girls reading, we appreciate your help and support.
Fiona Forman, a leading wellbeing expert will be hosting a webinar entitled ‘Supporting your anxious child’ on Tuesday January 28th from 7:00 - 8:00 pm. If this is of interest, you can register via the following link:
Owen - HSCL
Boys and Girls from 3rd, 4th,5th and 6th class with the best attendance were rewarded with a trip to St. Catherine’s Park last week. They had a great time and had lots of fun in the playground and maze. Thanks to Alan Silver from Dublin Bus and of course Roddy for bringing the children.
The School Lotto wasn't won this week either and the Jackpot Prize is getting closer to €1000 each week. Congratulations to Christina , Sean Greene's mother, who won our Spot Prize this week. Thanks to.all those families who continue to.suppoet this valuable cause.
Paula Joyce (The Dyslexic Teacher) is hosting a webinar entitled Dyslexia in Secondary School specifically for parents and guardians on Monday January 20th at 8 pm.
This webinar may benefit parents who may have children with dyslexia in the senior years of primary school.
This webinar will explain:
All questions will be answered on the night.
Tickets are available from eventbrite.
Owen - HSCL
If you are interested on behalf of your son or daughter, please complete an expression of interest form and return it to the school or send by email to the email address below, by Thursday 16th January. This form can now be found on our school website. It is located under 'Our School', 'our policies' and labelled 'Rainbows Application form'. Any queries at all, please dont hesitate to contact us at rainbowsdivinemercy@gmail.com
Please find attached the Events & Activities Brochures for January in North Clondalkin Library.
Unless ‘All welcome’ is stated, booking is essential. Online booking for events can be reached here
All events and activities are free of charge.
Owen - HSCL
https://46e3625e15194b53c961-8365ff1b68cff7311e5feb688cd32bc5.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/pdf/5696_20250107142142.pdf https://46e3625e15194b53c961-8365ff1b68cff7311e5feb688cd32bc5.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/pdf/9935_20250107142147.pdfThe boys and girls were very excited for Christmas this week. Lieven, from Mr Hamell’s 6th Class, is especially looking forward to the big day! Happy Christmas boys and girls. Have lots of fun with your families and friends over the next two weeks. You deserve it!
We had our last bit of 3rd Class Christmas fun in Ms. Smyth’s classroom on Monday morning. A great turnout of parents and guardians joined the children to paint some Christmas scenes and really get into the Christmas spirit! Like in Room 6 we also had a special visitor to the classroom - can you spot him?!
Here at Divine Mercy SNS we place a huge emphasis on attendance. It is important for your child to attend school every day as research shows that to develop the habit of regularly going to secondary school, a routine starts in the national school. By regularly going to school, your child and your family gets to know the teacher, other children and families. The more you are involved in your child’s learning the more we can work together to support your child and make sure they get the best start to school. Attending regularly helps your child develop a sense of belonging and connection to school.
There may be times when your child has to miss school because she or he is ill. This is to be expected and you should notify the school on the Aladdin Connect app when this occurs. Children may also have to attend a medical or dental appointment in school time. However, you should try to make routine appointments such as dental check-ups during the school holiday or after school hours.
For more information please read the ‘Don’t let your child miss out’ attachment - it is a few years old but it is very useful. In the leaflet it clearly says that the school must tell the National Educational Welfare Board, if your child has missed 20 days or more in the school year or if it is concerned that your child is missing too much school.
If you have any questions regarding your child’s attendance please contact me on the number below.
Owen - HSCL
083 200 2449
https://46e3625e15194b53c961-8365ff1b68cff7311e5feb688cd32bc5.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/pdf/9279_20241218133347.pdfIn 2019 - 2020 all the hard work that has been going in GAA over the past number of year was rewa..
There is a basketball ball club for 6th Class girls and 6th Class boys. They play against loca..
Soccer is one of the most popular clubs in Divine Mercy SNS. There is a boys' team and a gi..
Cross Country meetings start in February. There are four race meetings which culminate in a Dubli..
The children in Divine Mercy SNS enjoy participating in cricket during the Spring and Summer. A..
The school will be entering a team into the Leinster Primary Chess League later in 2021. In 201..
Camogie is played in all classes in Divine Mercy SNS. Our senior team play in the Cumman na mBuns..
Rainbows is on Tuesday lunchtimes in the library. It is a support group for students going throug..
We always enter the annual Credit Union Schools Quiz. Mr Lynch says that it helps encourage learn..